2024 Predictions


…And just like that. it’s 2024!

Happy New Year! 2023 felt like a fulcrum point. A lot of people chose to make changes in their careers — or lept into a new field altogether. There were many hints of what is to come in the Age of Aquarius this past year, including the increased resistance to the status quo. Let’s take a look at the planets, numbers and themes that will come into play for 2024.

As always, believe nothing — entertain possibilities. Psychics are like weathermen when it comes to predictions and forecasting. It’s always a rough estimate. Take all predictions with a grain of salt. The future always has a mind of its own…

The Numerology of 2024

Numerology is an art of divination that uses numbers. The belief behind Numerology is that numbers hold frequencies. Angel numbers and even the Tarot have deep connections to Numerology.

There are two types of Numerology you must consider: your personal year number and the number for the collective. Everyone has their unique life path number, as well as an annual number that changes every year. In addition to this, there is an annual number that carries themes for the collective as a whole. That number for 2024 is 8. This is because the numerals of 2024 add up to 8 (2+0+2+4=8).

The Meaning of 8

Eights in Numerology represent the infinite. After all, if you turn an “8” on its side it becomes a lemniscate — an infinity symbol (∞). They can also represent abundance, power, and strength. They are often the life path numbers of leaders and managers, and those of a controlling nature.

If eights were a theme, they’d be the “CEO” of Numerology. They represent balance and the connection of the material and spiritual. From a lower octave (when manifesting through ego or unconsciously) eights can fall into legal trouble and challenges to the systems they’ve built.

Numerology & the Tarot

To have a better understanding of 8 in Numerology as applied to the collective themes for 2024, let’s look at the tarot cards (Major Arcana) associated with this number.

Strength: Card 8

Strength in the Tarot is a card ruled by Leo but is quite feminine. In Western spiritual traditions, Strength is viewed as a feminine trait (such as Gevura on the Pillar of Judgment in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life). She is neither opening nor closing the Lion’s mouth — but it is in complete control of it. She’s the two-fold power of force & form. Her nature is reservation, balance, and vigilance.

The Star: Card 17

The other card associated with this year’s Numerology is The Star. This is the card labeled 17 in the Tarot but is considered an 8-frequency because 1+7=8. Ruled by Aquarius, The Star represents balance, and “all is as it should be”. She is Netzach — Victory on the Pillar of Mercy in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. She represents the victory that comes with discipline & hard work. She needs no clothing as there is nothing to fear — she herself and the world are as they should be. She is the symbol of the conscious awareness of the divinity in all things.

The combination of these two forces represents beauty, which individually is the middle pillar in the Tree of Life (Tiphareth). Discipline and the victorious result. The personal power that comes from discipline, and the innate power of the divine manifested in all things. This year represents understanding when to act, and when to accept things as they are.

Aquarius and Leo are sister signs, meaning they’re opposites, but both carry the narrative of community. Leo speaks to storytelling as a way of educating and nourishing culture such as a theatrical play or story. A culture needs storytelling as much as it needs food, after all.

Aquarius on the other hand, represents community on a larger scale, such as society, a country, or even globally. What is tradition, and what aspect of it needs to improve? Where can ingenuity and disruption put pressure on od paradigms to shift? Are we not part of a worldwide community?

Many of these questions and themes tie into the Age of Aquarius being heralded in quite loudly this year. But more on that in the Astrology section.

2024 Lunar New Year

In Eastern Astrology, the Lunar New Year starts on the second new moon after the Winter Solstice. This occurs between January and February every year. This year the Lunar New Year starts on February 10th.

2024 is expected to be the Year of the Yang Wood Dragon ( or Jia Chen in Chinese). Dragon in Eastern astrology is considered a fixed element (earth), while wood has a the (yang) qualities of growth, creativity, and flexibility. A perfect year for planting seeds.

In Lunar Astrology, 2024 is predicted to be a year of vision, leadership, and problem-solving. A big emphasis is put on the development and growth of AI. So expect to see many changes to the tech industry and innovations to pop up (also in line with Aquarius themes).

2024 Astrology

This year is jam-packed with astrological events, but the biggest one is happening on January 20th and needs to be discussed first…

Dawn of the Age of Aquarius

You’ve likely already heard the term “Age of Aquarius” before (thank you, 5th Dimension). In truth, all of that was just a primer. To figure out when it “officially” begins, we need only look to the planet Pluto.

As the slowest-moving planet in Astrology, Pluto is an excellent barometer for the cultural and societal shifts that have happened to humanity. Pluto moves so slowly that he hasn’t even made on full lap around the Sun since he was discovered in 1930 (and he still has 160-is years to go!) Pluto also spends about 20 years in each sign, marking a new generational theme every time he changes signs.

On January 20th, Pluto enters Aquarius, officially kicking off the Age of Aquarius for the next 20 years — until 2044. Pluto is named after the god of the underworld and symbolizes change, death, rebirth, transformation, power, secrets, authority, the taboo, and the sacred. Pluto in your astrology chart represents where you change, control, adapt to things, transform, and intuit things.

Pluto in a particular sign represents where we as a society change the “status quo”. For the past 20 years, (since 2008-ish) Pluto has been in Capricorn. He certainly likes to make an entrance, because I think we can recall what happened that year to the Capricorn-ruled housing market/stock index. Capricorn also rules long-term planning, large organizations, prestige, honor, success, public achievement, leadership (such as CEOs), and accomplishment. The Baby Boomer “work-hard-play-hard-pick-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps” energy is very much in line with Pluto in Capricorn.

However, last year we got a preview of the next chapter with Pluto briefly dipping into Aquarius. Aquarius rules technology, innovation, rebellion, unions, the collective, politics, mob rule, philanthropy, and AI. Last year, we saw AI begin to influence the world in a big way. We also witnessed the power of collective bargaining with the strikes in Hollywood and the Automotive industry.

On January 20th, both the Sun and Pluto enter Aquarius within a few hours of each other. Interestingly enough, they also align that day at the last degree of Capricorn (29º) AND the last minute of Capricorn (59’) — the anaretic degree. This degree represents intense endings on a karmic level, marking an end to the era of industry, personal value equated to productivity, and cultural views of success being defined as business-driven. This is why even though Pluto dips briefly back into Capricorn later this year, the degree of his conjunction with the Sun signifies true endings.

In 2024, we will start to see more of an emphasis on humanitarian efforts, a cultural shift towards collective bargaining, and an increase in cultural activism. Over the next 20 years, there will likely be huge leaps in technology, medicine, and innovation. Many diseases we currently have no cures for will have curative breakthroughs, or at least life-saving treatments to increase the quality of living.

Speaking of quality of living, over the next 20 years I predict we will see more people seeking “the grind” less and more of a cultural draw to personal health and mental wellbeing. Aquarius is a non-judgemental sign, so body positivity and inclusivity will continue to be on the rise. There is also the potential for much distancing from organized religion — while others will lean into organizations and cults even more.

Lastly, these next 20 years will be the most challenging for those with Pluto in Leo (those born between 1938 and 1957 — overlapping both the Silent Generation and Baby Boomers). The reason this is challenging is because their natal Pluto in Leo will be opposing modern Pluto in Aquarius. A lot of beliefs & systems previous generations created will be viewed through an Aquarian lens — what isn’t good for the collective must go!

Other Noteworthy Planetary Shifts

Jupiter × Uranus

Aside from Pluto entering Aquarius on January 20th, Jupiter joins Uranus in Taurus in the night sky on April 20th. This is a rare treat, as it only happens once every 14 years. Jupiter is considered a lucky planet in astrology as he symbolizes joviality (a word with etymology originating back to Jupiter), expansion, humor, explorations, grandiosity, lucky breaks, and making things bigger.

When he joins Uranus (the ruler of Aquarius), positive, unexpected changes can occur. Since both planets are in Taurus, themes of luck and ingenuity can manifest along Taurus-related themes. Good news, breakthroughs, and sudden progress can be made regarding climate change, farming, agriculture, the arts, housing, and wealth creation/money.

They both will be forming a tight sextile to Mars in watery Pisces — giving etheric, ambiguous, and frustrating energy. I suspect around this time (especially as it happens in the middle of eclipse season) there will be changes on the front of AI and art copyrights. Legal battles surrounding AI may advance or resolve.

Jupiter in Gemini

Jupiter spends about a year in each sign. He moves into chatty, communicative Gemini on May 25th and stays there until June 9th, 2025. When Jupiter is in Gemini it’s a season of increased communication, curiosity, networking, and even luck finding/making friends.

Retrogrades of 2024

Mercury Retrograde

Last year, Mercury retrograded in air & earth signs. This year? it’s all on fire, baby! Well, almost anyways. Mercury’s retrogrades in 2024 will predominantly happen in fire signs. But don’t panic! I made a survival guide on how to thrive during Mercury retrograde.

  • April 1st-April 25th in Aries
    Avoid being a fool on April Fools Day and think twice about that snappy comeback! Mercury retrograding in Aries signifies a season where you may be more tempted to “sass back” or get frustrated with revisions. The lessons of this retrograde? Keep calm & carry on. Be patient with yourself regarding things you’re confused about.

  • August 5th-August 28th in Virgo & Leo
    Be patient with yourself if you have to make any choices. There will be a want to reach out & communicate with old flames/old relationships, and that’s never a great idea during Mercury retrograde. Venus joins Mercury in Virgo so themes of the arts or romantic communications can arise. On top of this, Venus forms a tight quincunx to Pluto in Aquarius. Strong themes of Karma are afoot. Gracefully maintain your boundaries.

  • November 25th-December 15th in Sagittarius
    This retrograde will have lots of humor and funny moments if you avoid taking any mistakes or revisions too seriously. A little bit of luck may be involved as Jupiter loosely opposes Mercury when he begins his trek backward. Avoid illusory thinking, and being gullible. Any mistakes or revisions you make will turn into a great story or a lucky break later on.

Mars Retrograde

Mars only retrogrades once every 2 years, and this one starts at the end of 2024 on December 6th and lasts until February 23, 2025. People tend to become frustrated more easily when Mars retrogrades — yet they also tend to bottle it up, too. Mars retrograde asks us to reflect on our passions, drives, and tempers. When he retrogrades in Leo, gossip, false pride, and the want to stand out based on false merit can occur.

Jupiter Retrograde

Jupiter retrogrades about once a year and isn’t uncommon in many charts. He begins his retrograde in Gemini on October 9th and stations direct on February 4th, 2025.

Saturn Retrograde

Saturn retrograde is pretty common — it also happens every year and is retrograde in about 35% of charts. In 2024, Saturn retrogrades in dreamy Pisces from June 29th to November 15th. Saturn retrograde brings up themes of internal limitations and self-discipline. She creates an interesting mix when she retrogrades in Pisces because there is an abstract, even intuitive component. She forms a harmonious aspect to Mercury, Venus & Uranus — making it a potential time for internal transformation if you take advantage of the energy.

Uranus Retrograde

Uranus retrograde also happens once every year, which creates an introverted expression of his “change” energy. He retrogrades from August 28th, 2023 to January 27th, 2024, and again from December 7th, 2024 to January 30th, 2025. Uranus retrograde is common, and also a great time to brainstorm ideas and think differently about your finances or how you create wealth (since he’s in Taurus).

Neptune Retrograde

Neptune retrograde is also pretty common, happening at least once a year. This year he retrogrades from July 2nd to December 7th in Pisces, his home sign. When he retrogrades, it signifies a time where the energy is more grounded, down-to-earth and focused. In addition to this, there’s the potential for spiritual transformation during this time because he has strong sextiles to the intuitive moon and transformative Pluto.

Pluto Retrograde

This is officially the last dip Pluto makes into Capricorn for the next 250 years or so. He retrogrades at least once a year, and will retrograde from May 2nd to October 11th. There may be fluctuations in the market, and there may be themes of attraction, intensity and/or control that arise. Issues with losing control or facing adversity regarding authority can also pop up (Pluto sextile Mars in his home sign of Aries). Meditate and notice any advice your guides grant regarding making an internal transformation.

Eclipses of 2024

The nodes of Fate entered the Aries/Libra axis last year, which means most of the eclipses will be happening in either Aries or Libra. In 2024, we will have 4 eclipses.

March 25th — Penumbral Lunar Eclipse at 5º Libra

Full moons are about releasing, and this eclipse in Libra heralds an intense release of relationships that no longer serve you. Forming a strong, harmonious trine & sextile to Pluto, the lunation starts off the eclipse season with a bang! If you’re willing to let go of the people in your life who don’t serve you (business relationships, personal, or otherwise), great business opportunities can present themselves (or ihe very least, blocks to the growth of your career will get out of the way).

April 8th — Total Solar Eclipse at 19º Aries

New moons represent new beginnings, and eclipses intensify that energy. This new moon in Aries represents expedited healing and shadow work that helps you grow. Benevolent Jupiter forms a semi-sextile giving an encouraging attitude to add to your healing. Divine epiphanies, clearing, and healing will come quickly over the next 6 months.

September 17th — Partial Lunar Eclipse at 25º Pisces

This eclipse offers intense spiritual release over the next 6 months as it’s in dreamy Pisces. There may be unexpected epiphanies, or people from your past may come up for closure. Uranus forms a tight, challenging square and Venus forms a spiritual quincunx. Any people who are a blast from the past may pop up spiritually for closure. It’s a great lunation to cleanse your auric field.

October 2nd — Annular Solar Eclipse at 10º Libra

The last eclipse of the year also wants to leave with a bang. New moons represent new beginnings, and a new moon eclipse in Libra is ideal for manifesting relationships — romantic partners or otherwise. This is a lunation filled with passion and intensity as Saturn, Venus, and Mars form a grand trine. What you want will come into laser-like focus. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are all getting along and playing nice which can lead to easy, needed changes, unexpected news, or spiritual clarity on an intense matter. When in doubt, surrender to Source.

Channeled Messages for 2024

The following is transcribed from channeled messages I received from Archangel Metatron, with assistance from Goddess Durga, Goddess Lakshmi, Goddess Parvati, King David (David ben Yishai, Melech Yisrael), and Goddess Isis. The italicized text is what I received. Text that isn’t italicized is what I said, and text that is in brackets is for clarification. I’ve also included the audio file below.

“2024 is a year of awakenings. People will be going against norms, and people will be going against the status quo. Please know that 2024, 2025, and the years to come are years of opening up and learning what inner peace [truly] is. Many are seeking externally, and they’re learning that previous goals were placed there by others and they are learning that happiness is not what they originally sought. People will be rebelling against norms — please do so peacefully if you choose [to go against the norms].

This isn’t about who is “right” and who is “wrong”, it’s about compassion for one’s self. 2024 is a “wake-up” year and please know we will be here with you and guiding you. There will be mass shifts and awakenings. There will [also] be some unexpected natural disasters [at this point I felt there would be a natural disaster in the northern hemisphere either in Canada, the northern US, or closer to the Arctic Circle. This felt like it would happen in the first half/first part of 2024]. Please do not be scared or frightened. This is something that is [able to be] mitigated…predicted, and people will see coming.”

Me: “By weather forecasters?”

Archangel Metatron: “Yes.”

Me: “Why is this happening?”

Archangel Metatron: “This is part of the Earth waking up and releasing negative [energy from the collective] on a spiritual level because the Earth is connected to [the] collective. There will also be increases in phenomena experiences [spiritual, UAP, UFO, etc…] and many people will start to feel and hear their guides and angels more.

One of the challenges that humanity [will be] facing in 2024 is living unconventional lifestyles. There is a redefinition of life paths and life goals that people will have. People going against the 9-5 job, or the expectations that society has put on them. The best way this can manifest is if you do so with a heart [filled with] compassion for one’s self, knowing that is the right path for yourself.

There will be a political clash towards the end [Q4?] of 2024. It will be quelled.”

Me: “Is this in the United States?”

Archangel Metatron: “No. But…US citizens will react to it.
More magic is coming to people in 2024. People will start to notice
[an] ease of manifestation. People will also start to hear the Hathors a little bit better [the Hathors are a race of spiritual beings at a very high frequency of peace and enlightenment. I was also shown that these beings have a heavy association with the appearance of spiritual phenomena].”

Me: “Like UFOs [UAPs]?”

Archangel Metatron: “Correct. There will also be more groups that are connected to cultural shifts. For example, there will be more people who pool their money together to work together.”

Me: “Much like a community-based fund or community-based money? [this Felt like Bitcoin or decentralized currency]

Archangel Metatron: “Yes. 2024 [also] an emerging year. Humanity is learning how to break molds and old conventions. We ask that they do so with love and [love-based] intention in their heart[s]. There’s going to be an emphasis on humanitarianism. There will be even more emphasis on humanitarianism than there is war in 2024 which will help [even warmongerers open their hearts to love].

Any natural disasters that [happen] are showing that the Earth is purging and [humanity] is moving forward as a collective. Major shifts happened in 2023 and those reading this are part of the collective that is moving forward. Over the next few years there is going to be an increase in spiritual experiences — what you call phenomena. Please do not be alarmed. These are spiritual guides to help Earth and humanity evolve.

Part of the challenge of 2024 is avoiding the trap of tribalism. Recognize that you’re more than your thoughts, you’re more than the group. Yes, of course, have love in your heart, support each other, and guide each other. But also know you’re more than the group you’re associated with. There will be temptation. Ego will tempt you to be a part of this group or that. You don’t have to play by those rules.

Humanity as a whole will have an easier time accessing their guides and angels — especially through prayer.

There will be currency destabilization towards the end of 2024 and currency shifts as countries heal.”

Me: “Why is currency destabilization happening?”

[At this point I began to see a clearing that is happening with something associated with currency and associated with some sort of control or regulation that is hindering the growth of the collective.]

Archangel Metatron: “Correct”

Me: “I see this currency helping restore after a battle or a war.”

Archangel Metatron: “Yes. This currency was originally helping with the aftermath of a war that will be resolved in 2024. But that currency [will be] going through some disruption. [This is] because it doesn’t allow for other energies to arise that do serve the collective’s highest good and things will be shaken up with it.

[Regardless,] please know that we are your source of abundance. Open up to the source of abundance that is the universe and that will allow us to bring you the help that you need.

There will be a profound discovery in 2024 [I was shown Q3 or late summer and it felt like a medical discovery].

Those who have been on a spiritual journey for a while [will] have a deepening of connection to their guides. You will notice that you channel more easily.

The 2024 [US] election will go smoother than you expect. Of course, there will be some discord, but nothing that hasn’t been anticipated by the people in charge.

This is also going to be a year of dichotomies. On one hand, there will be destruction and loss, and you will see people suffering, [yet] on the other hand, you will see transcendence and people who are breaking boundaries and traditional expectations that cause suffering.

Moving forward, what humanity is aiming for is those who are not suffering helping those who are. What is interesting in 2024 is nations will request philanthropy [I saw fundraisers, GoFundMe, crowdsourcing, etc…] and it will work in helping them develop further.

Some larger companies will destabilize [I felt as if the companies won’t collapse so much as be “taken down” a notch].

2024 is also a year for getting humanity used to connecting with their guides. There are people who would be skeptical that will have spiritual experiences that [can’t be] explained. Please know this is the right path and this is so you can hear us more clearly and be guided by us more easily. Please know that you are not alone and please call upon us.

We are also detaching you from places you would expect abundance to come from, so you recognize the Universe, your guides, and what you call Spirit as your source of abundance. 2024 is going to be an unconventional year of ingenuity and thinking differently. This is what’s helping humanity slowly wake up from being in a box.

Please see the things that happen in nature as detoxification of Mother Earth so that Earth herself, along with humanity can move forward as you both are deeply connected. Thank you.”


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